What I thought of They’re Not Like Us #8

Thoughts about #1#2#3#4#5#6 and #7.


Now we know everyone’s real names and that in fact, Syd is actually Tabitha, not to mention that the group that left The Voice are still finding it hard to shake off old habits as the fight that threatened to kick off last issue ends badly.


Meanwhile Tabitha is speaking to her unwelcome visitor Healsey is doing at her front door, and whether The Voice is aware of their location.


As for the police, they’re getting into the mystery of Tabitha and a family’s missing daughter that they have no memory of.


Eric Stephenson weaves three different strands of story which are essentially panel after panel of exposition but it never feels boring as they’re all designed to propel the plot, so Tabitha finds a new purpose, her companions slip off the straight and narrow while the police provide a threat to the future of these super powered teenagers.

Pace is an issue though in this comic as it feels like it’s going somewhere but it’s meandering pace is problematic much of the time, but this issue that pace serves the story well. Plus there’s a quote from the Manic Street Preachers Motorcycle Emptiness, which is glorious.

1 thought on “What I thought of They’re Not Like Us #8

  1. I tried to get into this but had a foul taste in my mouth after investing so much time into his other series Nowhere Men. Now that had potential but this one seems so slow and hard to really get into. Nice review though and glad you found some enjoyment in the series thus far.


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