Watching Tories lose is fun

I’ve been watching the local election results in England and the Tory decimation is quite a thing to see. John Curtice makes clear just how bad this is and how it may translate to a general election which is going to happen at some point between now and January 2025, and it looks as if the Tories are going to hold on til the very last minute. I don’t think I’ve seen a sitting party in government so scared to go to the polls, especially as it’s now clear so many Tory MPs are going to be out of a job.

However, I approach the general election unclear as to where my vote goes. I obviously won’t vote Tory. The Lib Dems are a joke. The SNP are at best, a shadow of their former selves while the Greens have become flaky lunatics. So that leaves Labour who are playing it so safe in order not to alienate voters after the disaster of 2019, but as much as I need to see the Tories gone do I really give my vote to a probable party of government who is as far away from even the social democracy of Tony Blair’s first few years in government?

So I dunno, I expect to decide nearer the time. One thing is sure, whatever happens the Tories need to be out of power for a generation at least after the damage they’ve done in the last 14 years, especially as much of that damage could well be irreparable.