Comics fans in Glasgow; come and give me all your money this weekend!

A few weeks ago I mentioned that after a long, long time I was heading back into the world of comics? Well, this weekend I’ll be trading at the Glasgow Sci Fi, Cosplay and Comic Con the iconic Barrowlands in Glasgow.

I’ll be having a selection of lovely comics from the 1950’s to today, including variant covers. Lots of pointless variant covers but hey, the kids love them!

So what am I calling myself? Well, Companies House has issues with me digging up the AKA Books and Comics name and I don’t really want to spend more than the £12 it’s cost me to make a limited company to untangle that mess. Then I had a brainwave, realised that hurt too much and remembered another bit of my past which (cutting a long story short) leads to the answer.

Welcome to Neptune Comics and Books.

Yeah, I got me a logo and everything!

So, this weekend Glasgow folk, even from outwith of Glasgow, come to the Barrowlands, see some cosplay, see some guests and mainly, spend some money with me and get yourself some rather splendid comics…

3 thoughts on “Comics fans in Glasgow; come and give me all your money this weekend!

  1. Variant covers, is it? Don’t get me started! Anyway, see you tomorrow, but if it’s a looooong queue, I’m off for a bacon roll and coffee till it disappears. Good luck and get selling.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: So I take my good fortune… | My Little Underground

  3. Pingback: A word about the Edinburgh Comic Con 2017 | My Little Underground

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