Nikki Pilkington Replies to the Daily Bale’s Libellous Insanity

ImageBefore I get to Nikki Pilkington’s reply, it’s probably best to do a quick timeline of what’s happened over the last fortnight since the Daily Bale, and it’s creator Joshua Bonehill caught my attention, so here we go.

The Daily Bale made up a piece of libel against the Globe pub in Leicester.

I asked the question as to who the Daily Bale was and attempted to answer it.

The Daily Bale continued to libel the Globe.

Some thoughts on the Bale’s campaign of fascist insanity.

The libel thrown against Nikki Pilkington.

All this takes us up to date where it looks like the police have acted to shut Bonehill down, which considering the scale of his libels, not to mention the threats he was chucking out probably means that if found guilty then he’s facing a custodial sentence.  I don’t think that unless you’re a hardcore EDL supporter, or one of the fascists Black Shirts who hung onto his every word they’ll be many tears shed.

Anyhow, one of Bonehill’s victims, Nikki Pilkington has spoken out and in doing so has given a bit more context as to why she was attacked.

Please give her blog a read here and if possible, please repost, retweet, or spread this story to counteract the lies which the Daily Bale spread. It’d do a lot to help repair the damage Bonehill and Wood did.

As for the Daily Bale, and Bonehill, there’s been no news. I am however looking at the  local papers in the hope that I’ll read his name as being charged with multiple offences…..

4 thoughts on “Nikki Pilkington Replies to the Daily Bale’s Libellous Insanity

  1. Pingback: The Pitiful Return of the Daily Bale | My Little Underground

  2. Pingback: The Daily Bale Crawls On & On & On | My Little Underground

  3. Pingback: Joshua Bonehill of the Daily Bale speaks about his arrest | My Little Underground

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