Who Is To Blame?

Barney Farmer is the writer of The Drunken Bakers in Viz, a strip I think is the best comic being published in the UK at the moment. He also write The Male Online, a painfully funny strip about a lone Daily Mail commentator trying to fight against liberals, lefties and luvvies while wanking to girls who are ‘all grown up‘.


It escaped my attention til now but Farmer wrote a short film, Who is to Blame, and it deals with who our Mail commentator blames for the state of the country in the run-up to Brexit. It is brutally, hilariously funny and will offend all the right people so enjoy…

A word of appreciation for John Hurt

John Hurt has passed away, and the world is a wee bit darker today. I’m not going to go on as there’s better than me doing tributes for the man, but this is a little tour through what Hurt meant to me.

I first saw him as a kid in the superb I, Claudius, and I think at that point he became an actor who I deeply admired and over the years from there even as a young lad often unable to get into see his films I tried to keep up with his work but the man was prolific. It was however Alien that cemented Hurt in my mind forever in a scene that’s a classic in horror cinema.

From there Hurt seemed to pop up everywhere from the splendid Elephant Man, to even taking the piss out if his death in Alien in Mel Brooks Spaceballs.

Hurt dabbled with science fiction often his role as Winston Smith in 1984 is for me, utterly perfect, and although he ended up doing stuff like Harry Potter and Doctor Who, this just showed how astonishingly a versatile actor he was.

So cheerio to John Hurt, we quite literally will never see another like him again.

I am turning into a Steve Ditko character…

I’m undergoing physio to sort out the slipped disc and help with my stroke recovery. I’ve been mentioning the walking stick I was given nearly a year ago was putting strain upon my left shoulder; something problematic as after last year’s operation I have little or no feeling in my left shoulder so it’s a massive effort to walk long distances because my left shoulder is taking too much strain.

So this morning I went for a physio session and was given a new stick; here it is…


On the way back home I suddenly realised that dressing all in black with a black question mark-shaped stick, that my transformation into a Steve Ditko character is complete. I’d like to be a sort of leftish version of The Question.


Maybe this is what the stroke and the cancer is doing? Maybe my (hopefully) last set of radiotherapy starting this Sunday will give me mysterious super powers? I dunno, I’ll just be happy being in remission…

What I thought of Mister Miracle #1


Another week of no decent new comics on Comixology so it’s time for another delve into the past with a genuine classic comic; Jack Kirby’s Mister Miracle #1. Originally published in 1971 this was part of Kirby’s massive Fourth World storyline and from the off throws the reader right into the world of a super escape-artist.


However things aren’t as they seem to the modern reader’s eye, as this is the Mister Miracle before Scott Free, Thaddeus Brown.


Kirby starts with a bang, but he waits to throw in the cosmic elements of the characters choosing instead to introduce Inter-Gang; a Mafia analogue influenced by not just Kirby’s clear love of superheroes, but his experiences as a child growing up in the rough streets of Depression era New York. As this is a superhero comic, there’s a fight scene once these guys come on the scene but as of now there’s no real hint of anything cosmic. We’ve got a strange young man, and an ageing escape artist fighting ordinary criminals.


We’re also introduced to a boss of Inter-Gang, Steel Hand, who is called that for bloody obvious reasons.


Meanwhile Thaddeus and his assistant Oberon test Scott Free as Kirby slips in some hints that things may well not be as they seem.


Passing the test, Scott shows the pair his Mother Box, an almost magical super-computer that Scott uses to break free of his bonds.The next day Thaddeus is testing out a ridiculously dangerous stunt while Inter-Gang are out to kill him.


Thaddeus is killed, which means Scott steps up and this is the trigger for Kirby to go full-on Kirby as Scott becomes Mister Miracle in order to seek revenge for the death of Thaddeus by the hand of Steel Hand.


After escaping another deadly trap, Mister Miracle and Steel Hand have a big fight because this is Kirby!


Of course Mister Miracle wins, the baddie is beaten, Oberon becomes Scott’s sidekick and everything is established quickly with enough mysterious hints of a huge backstory for Scott yet at this point we don’t know how it’ll connect to the other Kirby titles DC published. Every single page of this is Kirby at his peak and because of that this comic is an utter joy. The storytelling is superb, and although the baddie is fairly bland by Kirby standards, he exists only to get defeated by the end. He’s a plot device to show how much more advanced Scott is compared to Thaddeus.

Comics like this made me love the medium as a child as it still does as an adult!

How does the Supreme Court Brexit ruling affect the campaign for Scottish Independence?

Today the  UK Supreme Court ruled that the UK parliament has to vote to approve Article 50 (the legislation which triggers the UK’s two year long divorce from the EU) which effectively means the government has to put forward a bill and MP’s vote on it. So will unelected peers in the House of Lords but the UK’s creaking constitution allows this. There’s also the trifling matter that the devolved countries of the UK (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) saw their court cases that Article 50 can’t be invoked without votes approving it in Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh thrown out.

At this point it’s best to read this splendid Iain McWhirter piece which explains this in detail but contains such information of importance I’m quoting a big chunk of it…

LEGISLATIVE consent may sound like another of those tiresome lawyer’s phrases; it’s anything but. Lack of it could stall Brexit, trigger an independence referendum or even break up the Union.

Legislative consent is what used to be called the Sewel Convention, under which the Scottish Parliament has a right to vote on actions of Westminster that impinge on its powers. Today, the UK Supreme Court will address whether or not Holyrood has a right of consent on Article 50, triggering Brexit.

The UK Government is adamant that it should not, and that the Scottish Parliament has no right to interfere. Anyway, the constitution is reserved to Westminster. Advocates of legislative consent, including the Scottish Government, argue that Holyrood certainly should have a say because Brexit will massively affect Holyrood’s powers. Under the Scotland Act 1998, Scottish legislation has to be in accordance with EU law, and this will end when the European Communities Act is repealed.

Moreover, in the Scotland Act 2016, the Sewel Convention was supposedly put on a “statutory basis”, as part of the post referendum “vow” on entrenching Holyrood’s powers. Most people believed this meant that there was now a legal obligation for Holyrood to give its assent to changes to its powers. But no.

The UK Government had inserted a weasel word into the Act. It says that “Westminster will not NORMALLY legislate with regard to devolved matters without the consent of the Scottish Parliament” Since Brexit is not “normal” then legislative consent doesn’t apply

Effectively this means this: The centre of political power in the UK is Westminster. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are essentially regions with glorified councils calling themselves ‘parliaments’ and ‘assemblies’. These can be swept aside because as McWhirter points out;

Under the Scotland Act 1998, Scottish legislation has to be in accordance with EU law, and this will end when the European Communities Act is repealed.

The Great Repeal Bill the Tories talk about will bring all EU legislation into UK law to be then kept or dumped depending upon whatever Westminster says. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the devolved countries could find their own powers being taken back, or indeed, scrapped for central rule, and yes, the Northern Powerhouse plans to devolve power to big northern English areas is window dressing. Legal political power in the UK is at the discretion of Westminster who are not obliged to do anything the devolved governments (though really, they’re not governments) say which means all those solemn vows of 2014 meant nothing, or as McWhirter puts it;

Moreover, in the Scotland Act 2016, the Sewel Convention was supposedly put on a “statutory basis”, as part of the post referendum “vow” on entrenching Holyrood’s powers. Most people believed this meant that there was now a legal obligation for Holyrood to give its assent to changes to its powers. But no.

The UK Government had inserted a weasel word into the Act. It says that “Westminster will not NORMALLY legislate with regard to devolved matters without the consent of the Scottish Parliament” Since Brexit is not “normal” then legislative consent doesn’t apply. Ha, ha – Scots should have read the act more carefully.

Scotland had the chance to make it’s own successes and failures. It had the chance to make a future of its own. It didn’t, choosing instead to stay in the Union, yet that Union which promised ‘Scotland’s voice will be heard louder than ever before’ lied. It sold you a stinky kipper when you were expecting fresh salmon.

Essentially we’re at this stage…



So what do we do about it? Well, some MPs are going to vote against invoking Article 50 but there won’t be enough thanks to the sheer lunacy of Jeremy Corbyn telling his MP’s to vote it through which hands the Tories a massive advantage because anyone who thinks they’ll be able to influence the Tories once Article 50 is invoked is a fool, or is someone who wants to leave the EU themselves. Forget that leaving will drive those people Labour say they speak for into virtual serfdom as the Brexiters vision of a tax haven emerges from the wreckage of Brexit. Outdated ideology is Corbyn’s mantra it seems which brings us to this point…


There’s not a lot of options on the table now. The ball is in Westminster’s court as to whether they take into account the Scottish Government’s Brexit proposals (hint: they won’t) but with elections in Northern Ireland looming the United Kingdom is under threat.

See, the thing is in 2014 there was a culmination of years of debate and argument which was won partly based upon Scotland’s EU membership with articles like this ensuring enough scares were given to coax people to vote for the safer, more secure option as after all, Westminster wouldn’t lie or disregard Scotland would they?

Guess where we are now?


I asked the question what the Supreme Court ruling means for Scottish independence and for me, it’s very simple; it makes it essential. The ruling makes federalism impossible as after all, if federalism is to happen not only would England need broken up to deal with the inequalities in size (won’t happen) then Westminster would need to permanently give powers away so they can never be seized back and that isn’t going to happen. Essentially devolution is a scam. It’s like going on Poundland’s website and realising everything isn’t a pound.

A second referendum is essential not just for the democracy of Scotland, but for all the four countries of the UK. Forget the angry independence supporters talking of UDI or worse, as we win independence peacefully and legally or we forget it. We have to convince both people that voted no and people on the fence that Scotland as a country needs to make it’s own democratic decisions. My hope is if/when Scotland achieves independence it pulls the last block out of the entire broken British state which comes down crumbling like a giant game of Jenga. When it does, then something new and better can be created for the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, assuming of course we’ve not seen Irish unification by then.

Scotland is at a crossroads now. Patience is needed. There are diehard Unionists spitting flecks of rage and anger online as they know today is a turning point. They know that promises are meaningless as after all, the Supreme Court has shown this, so here’s the thing. Take today not as a day to get angry, but channel that anger into something useful. Do you know someone who voted No in 2014? Great, now talk to them rationally and ask them what they think of the ruling? Ask them if they’re happy their kids, or the generations after them, will be growing up with social justice and equality as things they read about in books? Know someone not sure what to do or showing no understanding of the connotations of today? Great, sit them down and go through it with them. Point out the issues. Ask them what they think.

Because if independence supporters don’t sell independence to no voters or those undecided (there will be those 25% or so who’ll never,ever vote for independence and they can be ignored or avoided) this is going to happen to the next generation, and the next and the next and the next. You get the idea.

There will never be a greater weapon in the armoury for independence than today. We can use it wisely. I suggest we do because we’re going to need it when a second referendum does happen, and it will. For now though, be patient and be calm. This is a long game and if it’s lost next time, it’s lost for generations.

This machine kills fascists

”This machine kills fascists’ is a phrase Woody Guthrie had on his guitar. It’s a fantastic phrase that’s been going through my head of late.

This is mainly due to the inauguration of Donald Trump, not to mention the rise of neo-Nazism which calls itself ‘alt-right’, though watching that movement’s leader, Richard Spencer, being punched is a thing of beauty.

There’s been much talk at to how to fight what we’re seeing over in America, or here with the far right in the shape of UKIP with the gurning horror of Nigel Farage latching limpet-like to Trump’s pallid nether regions an almost daily thing. There’s some liberal hand-wringing going on which is predictable, but how we got here isn’t the issue for now, though I do recommend reading this splendid Yanis Varoufakis article for a bit of a history lesson in how neoliberalism led us to the point where we have a dangerous narcissist in the White House.

What needs to happen now is a realisation that we can’t rely upon liberals to lead the fight because they’re partly the reason why we’re facing actual full on fascists and actual fucking Nazis in positions of power in the year 2017. We do however need to unite, and as the Women’s March showed, the numbers are there to oppose this new form of fascism though we need to understand why people voted for Trump and Brexit so real alternatives to not just the new fascism can be sought, but also to a status quo that in many cases left Trump and Brexit as the only thing left in people’s armoury to be heard, or to hope that some positive change may come to areas destroyed by globalisation and neoliberalism.

We’ve got to create something new as Yanis Varoufakis has said that takes the best of liberal democracy while tempering it with socially democratic left wing egalitarianism so all can benefit, rather than a few. People like Trump and Farage  give exactly zero fucks about those destroyed by globalisation and neoliberalism as they’re just pawns to be used and abused. They’re trying to redefine things in their images which is grotesque.

Once the narrative is ripped from these people’s hands and we unite against them there’s only one possible outcome for the likes of Farage and Trump so I leave it to Woody Guthrie to make it clear what the outcome will be…

Hitting Nazis in the face is good for us all

At Donald Trump’s inauguration the ”Alt-Right” leader (or Neo-Nazi to decent people) Richard Spencer took a smack in the face. Here it is.


Now some people think it’s an awful thing; that in fact, it makes us as bad as the neo-Nazis Spencer represents. We should be better than cheering on someone being punched; even someone as clearly and obviously abhorrent as Spencer is while Trump supporters/Neo-Nazis are just angry with anyone that isn’t them.

So should we cheer on Spencer getting punched?

Oh fuck yes. We should be grinning like loons.

I don’t think violence works as a political weapon, but there is a line. When you out yourself as basically, a fucking Nazi, then we make sure you aren’t treated as normal. That in fact, you were firmly beaten decades ago and you won’t be tolerated as you’re a fucking Nazi! But ‘it makes us as bad as them’ say the sort of liberals used to re-Tweeting a harsh hashtag. No, it doesn’t. Again, once you out yourself to the world as a Nazi and you hide behind Donald Trump’s coattails in the hope of garnering some sympathy for taking a punch, then remember, this is what Spencer is about.

The far right re empowered like never before. They’re crawling out the woodwork and you can’t hide in safe spaces when that happens so you either fight back or tolerate it, and I’m not going to tolerate it as after all, there’s a rich tradition of smacking Nazis in the face.


I’m not saying violence is always the solution; it isn’t. I’m saying that if a Nazi like Spencer takes a hit in the side of the face then it follows a long tradition of hitting Nazis, and worse, since 1939, or 1941 if you’re from America.

Make no bones about this though, the time for tutting liberals are over, and we either take the fight up as the millions across the world did with the Woman’s March, or we give ground to the far right because if we don’t they’ll try to normalise what they are and that can never, ever happen as we know what happens when far right authoritarians gain control of power and of course, countries.

The inauguration of Donald Trump

The 20th January 2017 is the inauguration of Donald Trump as American president. People around the world are depressed as after all, Trump’s very friendly with the ‘alt-right’ (or Neo Nazis to give them their proper name), not to mention the sort of people that’d made Roman Abramovich look skint. Rather than ‘drain the swamp’ it looks like Trump is building his own swamp with people friendly to him, or so desperate for a glimmer of power that they’ll sell their soul for a seat near Trump.

Protestors are in the streets of Washington D.C mingling with Trump supporters which is sparking off some tasty scenes which promise a glimpse of what we may see not just in the US, but around the world for the next four years.However how did we get here? Are people who voted for Trump just extremist bigots and who exactly is responsible for this man being elected?

Truth is we all share some bit of blame. Here’s Ben Goldacre making the point.


Did you write Trump off as a joke? I did. I shared as many memes mocking him as many others; still do and will do, but Goldacre has a point. We all helped created the culture that spawned Trump, and people like Nigel Farage; his little yapping Lord Haw Haw.


Yet liberals need to shoulder some blame for letting the debate slip into the hands of the right. Liberals have to break free of echo chambers, listen to concern about working class communities about jobs, and instead of caving into extremists views on immigration and immigrants; make the case for it.

It’ll take a lot of soul searching now the day where Trump’s presidency becomes real, but retreating into echo chambers isn’t the way forward. Protest in ways that’ll be effective, such as the empty spaces confronting Trump when he stepped up to take the oath and become president. For an egomaniac, that’ll hurt.


So Donald Trump becomes president. It is now down to us to shape how the future goes because if we don’t things will not just get awful for us, it’ll be awful for those people Trump’s made promises he can’t keep and those people need to be guided back from falling for the next demagogue after Trump who’ll promise the unobtainable.

Good luck for all of us over the next four years…

What I thought of Monsters Unleashed #1


I love big monsters. They’re wonderful. I love the old Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko monster comics of the pre-Marvel era of the early 60’s and 1950’s.This latest mini-series pits Marvel’s superheroes against the various big monsters in their universe which means big battle scenes.


And big monsters.


There’s nothing especially subtle going on here. Writer Cullen Bunn doesn’t force the reader to strain the grey matter, and frankly this isn’t the point as we only want to see big monsters twatting the hell out of each other or Marvel’s various superheroes.


This is fairly standard superhero stuff, and while Steve McNiven’s art is nice, it isn’t anything but functional in places which is a pity as some of these monster designs are quite nice but this aside there’s some fun superheroics here which makes this a nice read, but utterly unsubstantial.

What I thought of Hook Jaw #2

hookjaw-2Turning a comic about a killer Great White Shark into something more than just a gloriously gory cavalcade of body parts and spurting red ocean spray is a massive task, but in issue 2 of Titan Comics Hook Jaw, Si Spurrier has pulled off a rather astonishing trick in making a comic ostensibly about people being eaten in interesting ways into one about folk myth and of course people being eaten in interesting ways.


We pick this issue up after the first issue with the environmentalist crew and CIA operatives off the coast of Somalia trying to rescue a MacGuffin from the sea while an Amanda Waller secret service operative type barks orders to 2D military machismo stereotypes that are dropped in to provide a contrast to the lead character, Maggie, who in a throwback to the classic 1970’s Action strips, is a reluctant protagonist in a story where things are being set up to end very, very badly for all concerned.In some cases characters are there so we cheer for when Hook Jaw gets to do their worst to them and I love that.


The other thing that’s a hard task is giving Hook Jaw a personality of her own, and that’s something Spurrier does menacingly well as we see how her appetite for flesh and blood is not just insatiable, but is all that drives her on to be the wild card in this stand-off between environmentalist hippies, the CIA and Somalian pirates.


Spurrier’s script is splendid, but it is the meta aspect of the tale that raises this series beyond the predictable fun from the horror and gore we expect, and Connor Boyle’s art is excellent as he has to struggle with not just making people talking on boats seem interesting, but drawing lots of sharks in a way that gives them an individuality is an achievement. Overall this is building up to be a surprisingly fun, and even more intellectually challenging work than just watching people being eaten, though that too is something to look forward to for gore fans.